Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Good Week

Spokane is snowy. So snowy that you have to dodge the clumps of snow falling of tree branches. Snowy enough for all my neighbors to be using their little snow-spitting machines to clear their driveways, and for Whitworth to have sent the baby snow plows all over campus.

I was going to take pictures and put them here, but everyone knows what snow looks like. Picture it now:

That's what Spokane looks like.

My house has a full-sized Christmas tree up, and the smell of it goes all the way up to room. It has approximately thirteen ornaments on it, and it is beautiful

Today I'm wearing a pair of jeans that I have not put on for over a month because I would afraid that they would be tight, but they're feeling just fine.

I have a pair of snow boots that make me look like I have dwarf legs. But they are warm. I can step in any drift and not feel a thing. Ha!

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