Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Christmas Break Break-Down

This Christmas:

I fulfilled my eight-grade dream of buying a bass. It is from a pawn shop and cost me $100, case included. It is obviously very high quality. It has four strings, and it is dark purple and nicked-up (which is fine. It makes me look like I actually know how to play it...) Josh gave me a tiny purple guitar amp and a cord. I feel like I'm going to be an undiscovered bass-genius, and I'm pretty sure that it gives me at least 25% more sex appeal.

Lots of brunch. One of my favorite things about being in Portland is going out to breakfast excessively. Brunching-outing is in my top five list of All Time Favorite Activities. I had Sister-Brother Bonding Brunch, and Sister-Sister Bonding Brunch, and Sister-Sister-New-Sister-Talk-About-Upcoming Wedding Brunch, among others.

Christmas shopping with Josh. Every year since I was about thirteen, Josh and I have Christmas shopped together, and it is always a lovely, lovely time. Together, we find absolutely the best presents for everyone, and this year, I got to help him pick an engagement ring. So I was extra important.

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