Sunday, January 8, 2012

Here's A Thing

I've already decided that if/when I have a horrible, unfair break-up where I find out that my boyfriend is cheating on me, I will not get even with him. I will not get revenge. I will not rant and rave.

Instead, I will become famous. Because Famous is the best revenge.

And Segue: Whenever I get disappointed by some guy, my immediate reaction is to go find some other positive male attention as quickly as possible.

Which leads me to this thing. I wrote an ad and put it on Craigslist. Here it is:

I bought a bass for $100, and I have been playing it for a grand total of 1 year, and I would like to play in your band.

I can read tabs and play them slowly. I can also play all open strings with proficiency and a tiny bit of speed. I have mad bass skillz.

But seriously.

I can also sing quite a bit better than I can bass-play, and I have bangs. I would be totally happy to send you a tasteful, fully-clothed picture of myself if you are into that kind of thing, because I wanna be in your band.

Unless Nirvana is one of your influences, cause in that case I don't want to be in your band at all. I'm cool with everyone else, though.

So that was a week ago, and since then I have gotten four responses from metal bands, two responses from men who want to give me bass lessons for FREE, and I have met with one actual guy who wants to put me in a legit band. Maybe I will be in a band? If that happens, it will be everything that I have ever wanted.

1 comment:

  1. oh. my. gosh. when did you become the coolest person I've ever known? this is without a doubt the coolest thing I have ever read anywhere.
